Don’t believe these myths about Colorado probate, a Denver probate attorney explains. Get the facts so you know how to preserve your interests in probate. Probate in Colorado can be an involved process that, even for more modest estates, can take six months or longer to resolve. While many people are aware that probate can…
When you’re ready to put an estate plan in place, knowing where to start and what you need to do can be confusing. To help you initiate this process with a mind towards the various aspects you may need to consider. We have provided an essential estate planning checklist. Do not hesitate to contact us…
Picking up from What to Do after Someone Dies: 10 Steps to Take after a Death (Pt. 1), we will identify the next steps people should take after the most immediate things, such as funeral arrangements, have been completed. What to Do after Someone Dies: The Next Steps to Take Are In the weeks following…